Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Entry 1 - A Little About Myself

          Hi!  My name is Kristen, and in this first blog entry, I will discuss many of my interests/hobbies, goals for this year of English, and why I like and dislike English.  To start, one of my favourite activities to do is dance.  I am currently taking tap and ballet.  In addition to these regular dance classes, I am also involved in the competitive dance program at my studio - this means that I get to compete in various competitions around Alberta against other competitive dancers.  This year, I am also taking part in a trip with my dance studio to perform in Disneyland over Spring Break.  Another interest of mine is hanging out with my friends.  When we are together we always laugh and have tons of fun no matter what we do together (often shopping, seeing movies, baking, etc).  My friends and I always tell each other EVERYTHING, and we know that our secrets are safe with each other no matter what.  
          I enjoy English because I love to read, (but not aloud!)  I also enjoy examining poetry and doing creative projects.  The only part of English I don't like is reading literature in Old English (mainly because I find it difficult to understand sometimes) and reading aloud.  
          My goals for English 10 this year are to pass the class with a mark over 90% and to increase my ability to comprehend literature.  I will achieve my goal of receiving a mark over 90% by working hard on projects/assignments and really focusing on concepts we learn in class.  I will also achieve my goal of being able to comprehend literature better by practicing in class and at home, using techniques learned in class and communicating with others and discussing elements of the literature that are unclear.

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