Sunday, March 6, 2011

Peer Assessment Blog Chapter 15-20

Visual Representation: The idea that the bluejay represents Mr. Ewell was interesting, but the explanation that went with it didn't quite make sense to me at times.  The blogger says, "I thought that a bluejay would be a good metaphor for Mr. Ewell because of the following; when Scout and Jem get their guns, they are told to never shoot a mockingbird, but they can shoot all of the bluejays they like.  How this relates to Mr. Ewell is that when you hear his speech in court, he doesn't sound very sincere and gets quite annoying very quickly."  I found these phrases quite confusing because I didn't understand the connection between shooting bluejays rather than mockingbirds, and Mr. Ewell being annoying and not sincere in his court testimony.

Vocabulary Webs: The word webs were filled out appropriately.

Literature Web: The literature webs was filled out appropriately and showed that thought was put in with creating it.  It was very good of the blogger to talk about Jem and Scout sitting in the "black" balcony in the courtroom in the ideas as well as in the imagery.

Paragraph 1: In this paragraph, there is lots of detail and support to show how Mayella tries to sway the opinions of the jury.  In explaining these ideas, parts in the novel are referred to, but it may have been a good idea to actually quote some of the points you made directly from the novel.  The only part that confused me, was when the blogger says, "Although these chapters don't tell you who wins the trial, it gives you a good idea as to how bias the town really is."  I didn't understand this phrase because the as stated by the blogger, you don't know who wins the trial, so it didn't make sense to me to say that the town is bias without them sharing their verdict on the case.

Paragraph 2: I really enjoyed this paragraph - especially that last few sentences.  This paragraph discusses an important scene in the novel and was explained wall.  It might have been a good idea to quote a part of the conversation Scout had with Mr. Cunningham.

General Comments: There were some grammatical errors in the writing, but mostly, it was written well. There were many good ideas and opinions shared through the writing as well.  I would suggest adding some quotes in the paragraphs to enhance the writing though.

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